Thought leadership at industry event

As part of SETsquared’s Scale-Up programme, we are invited to present Mole at the FT’s Future of Mobility summit, featuring as one of the Technology Distruptors innovating in the mobility space.


MOLE wins Innovate UK funding

We win an SBRI (Small Business Research Initiative) grant from Innovate UK. This gives us the wherewithal to significantly advance our product design, test and validate important sub-systems using our first desktop prototype and create the software architecture design for the charging system. We begin work on our vehicle inlet adapter to be fitted to the undercarriage of existing EVs and carry out user consultations to help us better evaluate and respond to customer demand.


MOLE prototype development

Our development journey begins with our first grant from the UK Government’s Department for Transport (DfT). We used the T-TRIG (Transport Technology Research Innovation Grants) grant to fund the MOLE’s product design, prototype development and software development, building on previous feasibility studies. During this 6-month project we developed our technology concept into designs that could be tested and prototyped in a lab environment, the crucial first step in the birth of the MOLE. We were also selected to present our innovation to the Minister for Transport, Rachel Maclean MP, who has remained a strong advocate of our work. Thank you Rachel!

MAY 2020, UK

CU and MOLE secure EPSRC funding

We partner with Cardiff University to win a grant from The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the main funding body for engineering and physical sciences research in the UK.

APRIL 2020, UK

Enterprise M3 LEP funding

We apply for and win (!) a EnterpriseM3 LEP grant to develop charging solutions that respond to post COVID challenges. As a hands-free solution, MOLE is ready for the era of touchless technology.

We are looking for exceptional and talented individuals to join our growing team. Whether you are already in the electric and mobility industry, and looking at new challenges, check out our careers page to find your opportunity.